Having gathered all of the parts it was time for assembly. Unlike most of the other configurations I've seen out there, I opted to mount my throttle control on the steering column. Easier for me to reach either when driving or when standing next to the Jeep and reaching in. The shifter control is mounted to the steering column using a 3" diameter hose clamp to which I pop riveted the shifter mechanism and then painted most of the assembly black. From here the cable is routed down the steering column through the plastic dashboard fascia and then through a hole I drilled in the firewall immediately adjacent to the steering column. This provides for a fairly short, straight run for the cable as it makes its way to the throttle linkage under the hood.
With the whole thing assembled I fired up the engine and gave the new throttle a try. A bit of extra slack in the chain meant I pulled the hand-throttle linkage a bit more than I'd expected before throttle response - but it does work! And with the limited scope of cable available I can only rev the engine to about 3,000 rpm which seems like a good safety limit to me. No need to go further and I won't accidentally do so.
Total time invested: about an hour of actual assembly work, a day of thinking about things, and ten minutes of back-and-forth getting tools I forgot the first trip to the garage.
Total amount invested: about $20.
Not too shabby...